I am very excited to see the return of the GOPYR newsletter. This was a labor of love for Brian Graybow for a couple of years. With his recent elevation to NYSYR Chief of Staff, I am grateful that Jonathan Judge has volunteered to step in with his experience and creative ideas as the new Editor-in-Chief.
When Jonathan asked me to pen a few words for this issue, I thought this would be an appropriate time to expand on some of the main goals the current Executive Board has for the NYSYR. Early in 2007, when I announced my candidacy for State Chair, I spoke of how, "The continued success of the NYSYR, and in fact the entire Republican party, is based upon victory in three ongoing battles. We must be able to contribute significantly to the battle of numbers, the battle of wallets, and the battle of ideas.”
But what does that actually mean? How does the NYSYR contribute significantly to Republican efforts in the "battle of numbers?" The first, and most obvious, way our organization contributes is by getting bodies out on the streets in targeted election efforts.
Looking at 2007 alone, we can be proud of our additions to the special election efforts in Senate District 7 in Nassau County, Assembly Districts 61 and 62 in Richmond County and, most recently, Assembly District 105 in Montgomery and Schenectady Counties. For the fall, we plan to build on these efforts with similar targeted campaign weekends throughout September and October. We know, in hotly contested local races, that the energy and enthusiasm of a block of Young Republican volunteers can infect a campaign down the home stretch.
The “battle of numbers”is not only about providing volunteers. It is also about ensuring we have strong, viable candidates for all levels of office on our party line. Young Republicans are now at the forefront. Whether as candidates for United States Congress, New York State Assembly, county or municipal office, Young Republicans are stepping forward. As is often said, we are not the future of the party, we are the present of the party. And our continuing contributions on multiple levels in the “battle of numbers” is evidence of that.
Christopher Dziedzic is the Chair of the NYSYR. When all of his political work is done, he falls to sleep dreaming of a rotation of Drabek, Deshaies, and Tewksbury pitching the Yanks to a couple of pennants in the late 1980s.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A Message from NYSYR Chairman Christopher Dziedzic
A Message from Editor-in-Chief Jonathan J. Judge
It is my pleasure to introduce to you the latest issue of the GOPyr Newsletter, and my first one as Editor-in-Chief.
I am very excited about the prospect of continuing the past successes of the GOPyr under former Editor-in-Chief and our current Chief of Staff, Brian Graybow, and working to expand its content, readership and influence among YRs and the New York State GOP at large.
In order to do that, I have the following plan for the GOPyr:
Created GOPyr Blog: As any major publication does today, this issue and every future issue will be simultaneously published via the GOPyr Blog at http://GOPyr.blogspot.com. Now, it will be easier to read each issue, backtrack on previous issues, and there will be a comments feature that will allow you to give your feedback on the newsletter’s content.
Created Club Notes Section: A whole section of this newsletter will be dedicated exclusively to sharing the wonderful accomplishments and happenings in your clubs each month. You may have experiences and ideas that the rest of us ought to know about about, and we want to make sure that everyone does.
Create YRs at the Plate Section: YRs are, as our Chairman states in his message, the present, not the future, of the party, and we are running for office. We want to make sure that other YRs gain from their experiences and motivations in the hopes to inspire other YRs to do the same, or at least lend a helping hand wherever they can. So, each month, we will feature YRs running for office and highlight those key points of their campaigns that are of value to New York State Young Republicans and their lives as public servants and engaged citizens.
Create YR of the Month Section: Each of us, as citizen activists, perform generous and sometimes tremendous deeds for our clubs, our party, and our country. Those deeds need to be recognized by our YR community. Therefore, I will be asking each club to nominate one of their members as a YR of the Month, one of whom will be featured in the newsletter each month. More details on the selection process itself will follow shortly.
With that, I look forward to working with you on the next issue and feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or ideas. See you next month!
A Message from Rick Cordaro, NYSYR Executive Director
I am honored to serve as Executive Director of the NYSYRs. My role is "multi-disciplinary" and involves just about any task the elected leadership throws my way. I'm more than happy to oblige! My latest accomplishment is our new web site. Please check it out at www.nysyr.us. You will find much the same content, but in redesigned form. If you have suggestions, want something posted, or spot an error, please let me know!
A Message from Brian Graybow, NYSYR Chief of Staff
I am honored to have taken the reins as the next Chief of Staff for the New York State Young Republicans (NYSYR) under Christopher Dziedzic and his administration. The role of Chief of Staff is primarily to serve as confidential advisor to the Chair and to aid in the transition from one Administration to another. In addition to these duties, I have assisted in outreach to various county chapters. The NYSYR has forged significant contacts as a result of the widely popular New York State GOP Dinner, attended by both John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. In June, I represented the NYSYR at the Nassau County Young Republicans’ annual beach party and enjoyed spending time with the club. With the transition to the new Administration complete, we can now focus our efforts on building stronger clubs and adding new county organizations to the fold. I look forward to being a part of it.
Ontario Gets a YR Club At Last
by Jonathan Judge, Editor-in-Chief
With the help of the New York State Young Republicans and the Ontario County Republican Committee, Ontario County finally has a Young Republicans (YRs) chapter.
The Ontario YRs held its first membership happy hour on Thursday, July 19, 2007 at McGregor's Grill & Tap Room in Canandaigua, NY, with special guest Jay Dutcher, Chairman of the Ontario County Republican Committee.
Ellis M. Oster, Chairman of the Ontario County Young Republicans, said, “I’m very pleased with the interest already generated within the last month to start this YR chapter, and I look forward to adding more members over the next few months.”
The Ontario YRs will also host a membership table at the Ontario County Republican Committee’s Annual Picnic, being held on Saturday, August 18, 1:00pm to 5:00pm, at the John Brown Memorial Park in Clifton Springs, NY, which is expected to attract 750 to 1,000 people, making it an ideal location for attracting new YR members. The Ontario YRs chapter is expected to be fully credentialed by the New York State Young Republicans at its next statewide meeting in September.
Oster said that it is “essential” for Ontario County to have a YR chapter, for both the upcoming local elections and the 2008 election cycle. In fact, despite Ontario County having one and a half times more Republicans than Democrats, Oster pointed out that U.S. Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-NY) won Ontario County by only 702 votes, a margin of 2.4%.
“If we want to have Republicans control Congress again in 2009, we must work together to ensure that candidates like Congressman Kuhl get reelected next year, especially since various liberal organizations have already started airing attack ads against the Congressman,” continued Oster.
Membership to the Ontario YRs is only $15 per person, per year, and $25 per married couple, per year. Associate members, i.e., those who are not between 18 and 40 years old and/or do not live in Ontario County, may join the Ontario YRs at $10 per year.
Oster himself is hardly new to the world of politics. Prior to his current occupation as a lead attorney for RJS Abstract Corporation in Fairport, NY, he served as a summer law clerk at the Republican Governors Association and the Center for Individual Rights, both in Washington, D.C. While attending Cornell Law School, he founded the Cornell Law Republicans, a student chapter of the Republican National Lawyers Association. During his undergraduate studies at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., Oster was a research assistant in the Political Analysis Department at the Republican National Committee. His duties primarily focused around compiling and analyzing election results for the RNC and the White House. Before working at the RNC, he served as an intern for then U.S. Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY).
Urban Planning for Republicans
by Steven Eiselen, Nassau YRs
A certain Republican elected official from Long Island, whom I heard speak recently, made the following comment:
“There are two Communist islands in North America; the island of Cuba, and the island of Manhattan.” Obviously, this claim is not only credible, but shockingly true when you think about it.
The heavy regulation, taxation, restrictions, social engineering, plus the otherwise negative effects of the City’s uncommitted and oligarchic leadership are killing development and economic progress in New York City and the greater metropolitan area at large. This trend should provoke us to wonder where this quasi-socialist government will take us next.
Our solution lies in the core of our biggest problems. The current dystopia that New York City and the surrounding area is merely the product of the policies, powers, and authorities that are the urban and suburban planning processes.
Not only is this an area that Republicans should be active in, but one that we must be active in. Indeed, we cannot have a future unless we plan one, especially in a field largely dominated by left-leaning city planners. This way, we can turn New York City around towards true growth versus the misleading and meager advances of the current approach.
Below are three basic policies that can be the hallmarks of a conservative Republican-planned city:
1. Deregulation: The 1916 New York City Zoning Resolution was about 35 pages. Today, it totals about 2,500 pages. Republicans must not only strive to simplify the Zoning Text, but every kind of regulation on development, condensing rules wherever possible, and removing unnecessary ones. The end result should be regulations that exist only out of necessity to maintain and protect the greater public good, and leave the rest for individuals and businesses to decide for themselves.
2. Cut Fees & Taxes: Republicans should conduct a study of how much every kind of tax or fee can be cut that interferes with private sector development projects. These, too are currently out of control, especially as congestion pricing looms over the horizon.
3. Invest with Private, not Public, Capital: Republicans ought to fight for policies that stress the use of corporate or private initiatives and funding for any redevelopment and revitalization projects, using limited taxpayer funds only as an absolute last resort.
“Beautification” projects should be done in concert with individual property owners, or perhaps coordinated through local Chambers of Commerce and other such associations. A policy also ought to be developed directing the prudent and economical use of public funds for streetscapes and other public property.
Republicans also ought to insist on stricter enforcement of competitive bidding rules, establishing value in public projects while spending as little as possible in the process of redeveloping a particular area.
Through policy and planning steps like these and others, we can take New York well on its way towards a more Republican and freer “free market” system of progress and urban development. Our ports will bustle, our skylines will rise, and our quality of life and liberty will steadfastly increase. Imagine the possibilities...
Labels: August 2007 Issue, Nassau YRs, Steven Eiselen, Urban Planning
Spitz’ Fits Put “Day One” on Fritz
by Rich Alicea, Queens YRs
On a cold, winter day in January, New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer (D) stood on the steps of our State Capitol and declared that the "Rip Van Winkle" days in Albany were over. He declared that he would usher in a new age of ethics in the state. He declared that everything would change beginning on "Day One."
But seven months later, Governor Spitzer has accomplished little more than bullying and compromising those "ethics" that he promised to promote. His hypocritical "do as I say, not as I do" attitude has become the norm, as he publicly criticized Republicans throughout the state for actions that not only are lawful, but actions that the Governor himself has been doing.
His now infamous outburst to Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco (R), in which he described himself as an “f*****g steamroller”, was only the first of a series of schoolyard bully tactics that Spitzer has utilized to create a double standard in our Capitol.
He chastised the Republican-controlled State Senate for its refusal to, without question, adopt his version of campaign finance reform. At the same time, the Governor, with the practice of bundling, sold access to himself and his office to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a person, as reported in April by New York State Republican Party Chairman, Joseph Mondello. Is this reform? Instead of leading by example, Governor Spitzer has chosen to lead by public posturing and grandstanding. But, the hypocrisy continues.
As Governor Spitzer publicly criticized Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno (R) for using public aircraft, he traveled around the state lambasting Republican Senators for ending its legislative session on the scheduled date and not kow-towing to his demands, according to a July 2, 2007 New York Daily News article. In effect, he campaigned for any Democratic challenger to a Republican incumbent, all on the taxpayer's dime. To add insult to injury, the Governor's office leaked police records about Sen. Bruno's travel, for political gain, to the Albany Times Union. The Steamroller's response: "I didn't know it was happening."
In his first several months in office, Governor Spitzer has only proven that his ego trumps all, and that we, the taxpaying citizens, must suffer the consequences. Allowing his feud with Sen. Bruno to get the best of him, he has demonstrated that he either cannot be trusted to monitor what's going on in his own office, or cannot be trusted to tell the truth when it comes to his own office's manipulation of its authority. Either way, this type of behavior is unacceptable.
Rich Alicea is the Chairman of the Queens County YRs.
In SiCKO, Dr. Moore Proves Himself to be the Biggest Quack
by Samuel M. Rivera, Brooklyn YRs
There is no doubt that the healthcare system in America is imperfect at the very least, and one can read about the downfall of Medicare almost daily in the national newspapers. Thus, one can hardly ignore a film with healthcare as its major theme, especially when the creator of such a film is a lightning rod for controversy. Most recently, Hollywood’s latest concoction with this formula is “SiCKO,” a two-hour diatribe against the status of US healthcare.
A quick check of the renowned “RottenTomatoes.com” film review website counsels viewers that “SiCKO,” Michael Moore’s “documentary” (an increasingly tainted genre) about the American health care system, is “fresh” and earns 91% of positive ratings from 151 film critics nationwide. If you believe individuals such as Bill O’Reilly, you might think that this is due to a perplexing ideological imbalance in the media favoring the Left. However, this fact cannot explain the critics’ irrational love of “SiCKO” alone. Such socialist charlatanry can only convince the dumbest omadawn that Cuba and France are utopias and Hillary Clinton is “sexy.”
Yet, these are just a few of the claims that Dr. Moore makes as part of his prescription for a better life. “SiCKO” starts off by telling viewers that this film is not about those in America who are without healthcare but those that have it. Then come the litany of complaints from “real people” who have suffered (even died, Moore claims) because of the horrid nature of our health care system in America. This part of the film is the most human and emotional part. Moore transitions from these individual horror stories to muckraking. At least, one presumes this is muckraking, yet no citations are visible during much of the film.
This is Moore’s most overwhelming mistake. Here is a film made by a man whose last film accused the government of orchestrating the September 11th terror attacks. After his mockumentary on gun control (“Bowling for Columbine”) and producing the grotesque “Fahrenheit 9/11,” Michael Moore expects his viewers to trust his numbers? Since citations are seriously lacking, a reasoned viewer is left to guess which numbers in the film are cherry-picked and which are true.
For example, viewers are led to believe that the United States ranks 37th in health care performance, “just above Slovenia.” It sounds like a rather remarkable statement, considering the wealth and power of the United States. This, Moore says, is what makes “SiCKO” a comedy— a comedy about the failings of the richest nation in the world. Moore’s number is from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Report, a seemingly unbiased source (then again, it is the U.N.). However, a glance at the American Journal of Public Health underscores the inherent unfairness in this number. The WHO does not count as part of that ranking the tens of billions of dollars the US spends on research and on medicinal advances. He fails to note that over 60% of Americans rank their health as “excellent” or “good” and only 2.2% rank their own as poor. Additionally, the US ranks first in healthcare responsiveness and also deals with an impressive amount of lawsuits and malpractice claims that drive up insurance prices. But to Moore, reporting these facts and maintaining this standard of accuracy must be confusing and boring to his viewers, since he would much rather play an embarrassing clip of his favorite President, George W. Bush.
Next up, Moore does what those on the Right consider the unpardonable sin: praise anything of Hillary Clinton’s. More shockingly, he actually praises her 1993-1994 push as First Lady for universal national health care reform (perhaps her biggest weakness in her bid for president). One is forced to view a barrage of old Clinton photos, all while Moore claims that she was once “sassy” and “sexy.” Moore claims that when she pushed what conservatives appropriately called “HillaryCare,” she was proclaiming the civil right of health care. But now that she has become a big time senator, he says, she has betrayed her principles. No complaints there.
Not quite done sickening viewers, “SiCKO” travels to Canada, and then the UK and France on a bizarre European road trip to solidify Moore’s thesis that America sucks—I mean, America’s healthcare system sucks. The end result: we the viewers are subjected to the ramblings of expatriate Americans in a French bistro, a solo doctor in the UK who believes doctors should take pay cuts on principle (but somehow drives an Audi), and Dr. Moore’s logic that it’s true Europeans pay taxes (how much he never reports) but insists that healthcare’s still “free.” Moore suggests that the government should, while they’re somehow (taxes) managing to support the bureaucratic nightmare that is universal healthcare, also hire government nannies (I’m serious, he praises this) to take care of our kids. Government does so well hiring people like teachers with only minor setbacks (fondling, having sex with students and, of course, not teaching well—this last part being the most widespread), why not let them rock the cradle?
Not surprisingly, the last and most obtuse segment of the film is his use of ill 9/11 workers to make a grotesque statement about Cuba’s “superlative” healthcare system. Always the master manipulator, Moore and a posse of unfortunates (you do feel sorry for the 9/11 workers—at first) sail to Cuba and then to Gitmo, where Moore extols our healthcare for terrorists and our treatment of inmates. Suddenly, I feel as though I’m watching an EIB skit for Rush Limbaugh (“Club Gitmo,” anybody?). Of course, they do not get into Gitmo, but Dr. Moore has succeeded in his purpose: he has insulted America using a play out of the conservatives’ handbook and has managed to hide behind the 9/11 workers. Can you imagine how the US would look if they prosecuted 9/11 workers who went to Cuba illegally looking for adequate healthcare? What trickery!
Then, when they fail to get anything at Gitmo, Dr. Moore’s troops head back to Cuba, where Moore claims that there is a pharmacy on every corner! That’s better than New York! The sick folks find their way to a hospital (from my research, one of the better ones in Cuba), where they pay next to nothing to be treated. After brief interview with Che Guevara’s daughter, we see the SiCKOs (just examined and released with prescriptions) meet with a government fire department official and are saluted by Cuban firefighters, whom one of the healed SiCKOs calls their “brothers…”
…And then Elian Gonzalez came out arm in arm with Fidel Castro and healed the sick and the blind. Ok, just kidding. Roll credits.
This is what the emcee of healthcare reform, Dr. Michael Moore, has prescribed for us. No wonder the film has made far less money than “Fahrenheit 9/11.” But Moore does open some wounds that are sure to infect the 2008 presidential election. With healthcare costs on the rise and dire predictions concerning the future of Medicare, Moore takes the lazy socialist’s way of handling the issue by saying that if we just do what France does, death will end and life expectancy will increase exponentially. Yet consider this: for France’s entire universal healthcare, 5 hour work week (I’m joking—I hope), government-subsidized everything—they only live a few years more than the average American! That’s right! All our supersized, transfatty, obeseity-causing foods and stressful work weeks do not kill us much sooner than the French! Imagine if we all lived a little healthier?
Does this mean that the high insurance premiums and doctors living in fear of the next lawsuit are not problems? No, but thinking logically will dispel the notion that we must throw away the baby with the bathwater. Our healthcare system is flawed, yes, but it is not insurmountably flawed. Lawmakers—being led by their constituents’ demands and not the demands of special interests— can cause change without creating a class of American do-nothings who sit in their government-subsidized apartment houses with their food stamps and weekly trips to the government-paid doctors. Before you accuse this advice as outlandish, take a look at Europe’s average unemployment rate: double digits.
But forget that! We could just remake our money, increase taxes severely and form an economic and healthcare union with Canada and Mexico. Then maybe we can hire one of those government nannies to nurse Dr. Moore’s next communist pet project. However, I think not.
Hillary-ous Hypocrisy
by Bob Capano, Brooklyn YRs
In the beginning of July, Senator Clinton (D) expressed all kinds of outrage over President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. However, to this day, she has not expressed the same outrage over any former President Clinton’s many questionable pardons and commutations during his last days in office.
The most outrageous was her husband’s decision on August 11, 1999 to commute the sentences of 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican nationalist group that set off 120 bombs in the U.S., mostly in New York City and Chicago, who were convicted for conspiracies to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as for firearms and explosives violations.
Whether or not one agrees with President Bush’s decision relating to Mr. Libby, it seems clear that at least the same outrage, and I certainly believe more, should have been expressed by Senator Clinton regarding President Bill Clinton’s decision to free these members of FALN. As I noted in 1999 in a “letter to the editor” to various local newspapers, President Clinton’s decision was opposed by the two U.S. attorneys in the jurisdictions where the FALN members were convicted, and Justice Department officials who reviewed the case.
Of course, Hillary probably thought that doing so would cost her the Puerto Rican vote in New York for her first Senate race. America needs leaders who will do the right thing for the country and not a Senator (or President) who will offer commutations and pardons, or condemn them, for purely political reasons. Clearly, Hillary Clinton with her actions this week once again proves that she is not one of these leaders.
Bob Capano is Recording Secretary of the NYSYR and President of the Brooklyn Young Republican Club.
Tusk Talk
with Tusk Harper
Dear Tusk,
After changing jobs a few months ago, I find myself spending a lot more time at home now. I get so frustrated with all of the trash on television these days. Where can I find some good, wholesome, conservative shows?
From: Questioning in Queens
Dear Questioning,
I understand your dilemma. Touched by an Angel is no longer on so parents should turn off their televisions whenever a child is in the room. What are the options? American Idol teaches people that pessimism is fun, Desperate Housewives continues its risqué romp, and anything on VH1 nowadays is just trashy. Perhaps the Spelling Bee could save our society from ruin – anything hosted by Joey Fatone is sure to be a success.
Dear Tusk,
Who are you supporting for President?
From: Curious in Chappaqua
Dear Curious,
Tusk Talk does not make formal endorsements in presidential primaries. One thing is for certain, though: I’m certainly not voting for the person hailing from your home town.
Have a question? Ask Tusk at tuskharper@yahoo.com.
Labels: August 2007 Issue, Tusk Talk 0 comments
Club Notes: August 2007
Brooklyn YRs
The Brooklyn YRs have been occupied, like many YRs throughout the state, with petitioning, particularly for County Committee and State Committee. Several of their members are running for the Kings County Republican Committee, and a couple of their members, Yvette Velázquez Bennett and Viviana Hernandez, are running for District Leader/State Committee.
At their July meeting, their guest speaker was J.C. Polanco, New York City Regional Director of Assembly Minority Leader James N. Tedisco. He gave a rousing discussion about the good government reforms that the Assembly Minority has been working to push, but have been facing opposition from Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and the rest of the Assembly Democrats as well as Governor Spitzer.
In other, more cheerful news, one Brooklyn YR, Major John McBride and his wife, Keeia welcomed Maximillian Henry Earl McBride into the world on July 12th at 4:30am. Arriving seven weeks early (and mere hours after John attended their July monthly meeting!), Baby Max weighed in at a mere 5.2 pounds! Mother and baby are well. Congratulations, John!
Next Event: Summer Social
Thursday, August 9th at 7:30 PM
200 Fifth, 200 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Usually meet second Wednesday or second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Brooklyn YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Capital District YRs
The Capital District YRs have been putting special effort towards the special election in the 105th Assembly District for Tuesday, July 31st. Republicans have chosen George Amedore, Jr., 38, from Schenectady to be their candidate to replace former Assemblyman Paul Tonko (D), whom the Governor appointed to be the President and CEO of the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority. Since a victory for the GOP there means a small, but significant blow to the Democratic Majority in the State Assembly, we congratulate them and Mr. Amedore on his successful election!
Monroe County YRs
The Monroe County YRs are neck-deep in campaigning for local Republicans, or are busy running for office themselves!
Their Executive Director, Brian Callahan, is running for Rochester City Council. Paul Gullo, the Monroe County YR’s Chairman, is the Campaign Chairman for Joe Nesser, who is running for Family Court Judge, and their Treasurer, Mike Roberts, is Mr. Nesser’s Deputy Campaign Manager.
As a club, they are all doing their best to support Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Supervisor, who is up for re-election this year, as well as many other county legislators.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 6th
Usually meet on the third Thursday of the month (except July & August), Spot Coffee, 200 East Avenue, Rochester. For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Monroe County YRs.
Contact Information:
New York YRs
(Paul Gullo, Chairman)
The New York YRs are keeping very social this summer. Firstly, they hosted their 95th Annual Dinner on July 11th, which was very well attended. They are having their annual Summer BBQ on August 8th and the first ever Young Republican vs. Young Democrat Kickball Game on August 11th. Members are asked to donate cash to play in the game. If the YRs win, the proceeds will go to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, but if the YDs win, the money will go to the Council on the Environment.
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 16th with Mark Krikorian, the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies.
Usually meet every third Thursday at 7 PM, Union League Club, 38 East 37th Street, New York, NY. Usually host socials the first Wednesday of the month. For the latest meeting and events information, please visit the New York YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Oneida County YRs
Young Republicans of Oneida County Chairman, Josh Piersall, has decided to step down after two years in office. The club is currently in the process of electing new officers. For more information about the Oneida County YRs, contact JP Kidwell at (315) 542-1974.
For the latest meeting and events information, please call the Oneida County YRs.
Contact Information:
(315) 542-1974 (JP Kidwell)
Onondaga County YRs
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Onondaga County YRs.
Contact Information:
Rockland County YRs
(Rick Cordaro, Chairman)
The Rockland County YRs are busy with local campaigns, particularly for their Chairman, Frank Sparaco, who is running for Rockland County Legislator in the 11th District.
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail or call the Rockland County YRs.
Contact Information:
Suffolk County YRs
(Frank Sparaco, Chairman)
Perhaps the club’s most noteworthy accomplishment for this issue is as the recipient of the 2007 Young Republican Organization of the Year Award at the Annual New York State Young Republican Convention in Saratoga Springs this past May.
Recently, the Suffolk County YRs have hosted representatives of Rudy Giuliani’s Presidential Campaign to discuss Rudy’s plan for the Republican primary and for the Republican Party in New York State. Suffolk County Chairman, Harry Withers, and former Republican Senate candidate, K.T. McFarland, also spoke at their meetings recently.
The club also has continued its tradition of awarding scholarships annually to Republican college and graduate students. This year’s recipients were Brittany DeLuca, who will be attending Arizona State University in the Fall, and Deanna Scorzelli, who will be attending St. John’s Law School in the Fall.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 28th
Usually meet last Thursday of the month (except in July & August), Dave & Busters, 1856 Veterans Highway, Islandia, NY
7:00 PM – Networking/Social
8:00 PM – Meeting
Contact Information:
Queens County YRs
(Chris Como, Chairman)
The Queens YRs have hit the ground running during their first year.
Having only hosted their first event in May, their members are very committee to being young Republican activists and candidates.
Eric Ulrich of Ozone Park filed over 1,000 signatures for District Leader/State Committee in the 23rd Assembly District, and Queens YR President, Rich Alicea, filed petitions for Queens County Committee in the 1st ED of the 30th Assembly District. Other members that are running for Queens County Committee include Queens YR Secretary, Gabrielle Sfera, and Tara Woebbe.
During their May 3rd social, they enjoyed the company of over 50 other Young Republicans from Queens as well as past New York State Young Republican Chairman, Jason Weingartner, Brooklyn YRs Luke & Britta Vander Linden, State Senators Serf Maltese and Frank Padavan, and Queens Republican Chairman, Phil Ragusa.
Not missing an opportunity to do good for the community, a portion of the proceeds from their event went to the City Parks Foundation, which works to improve and rebuild parks and playgrounds, offer recreational, horticultural, cultural and environmental education programs for people of all ages in New York City.
The Queens YRs are currently planning to host a food drive, in conjunction with the Queens Women's Republican Club, sometime in September.
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail or call the Queens YRs.
Contact Information:
Saratoga County YRs
(Rich Alicea, Chairman)
The Saratoga County YRs and the State Young Republicans have teamed up once again this year to host the annual “Day at the Races” at the historic Saratoga Race Course in Saratoga Springs. This event will take place on Saturday, August 4th, and will include a wonderful breakfast followed by an exciting day at the track afterwards.
The SCYR’s have also volunteered this month by assisting the Saratoga GOP with working the Republican booth at the Saratoga County Fair.
Additionally, they were also pitching in to support George Amedore for State Assembly in the special election that took place for the vacant 105th Assembly District seat. Fellow YRs Matthew Veitch, who is running for Saratoga Springs Supervisor, and Tara Thomas, who is running for Malta Town Board, are getting plenty of energy and time for their campaigns from the Saratoga YRs as well.
On a very significant note, their previous Chairman, Tom Qualtere, has spent his summer at an internship in Washington, D.C. with the Young America’s Foundation. Tom has had the exciting opportunity to appear on C-SPAN and Hardball with Chris Matthews to ask a question of Ann Coulter.
Meet usually at 7:30 PM at Saratoga GOP Headquarters, 77 Van Dam Street, Saratoga Springs, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Saratoga County YRs.
Contact Information:
Steuben County YRs
(Michael Veitch, Chairman)
The Steuben County YRs are preparing to be our hosts for the Fall Meeting of the New York State Young Republicans on September 14th to 16th. Highlights of the meeting including lunch at the Corning County Club (where the LPGA tournament is hosted each year), a literature drop to help GOP candidate for Mayor of Corning, Tom Reed, a tour of a local winery, and possibly a word or two from former Congressman Amo Houghton, State Senator George Winner, and current Congressman Randy Kuhl.
As a club, they are expanding as well. They have 42% more dues paying members than they had over last year and the year is half over. They’ve had more people help with petitions, more people serving on local city committees across the county, and they had more people attend state events.
Usually meet last Thursday of Every month at 7 PM upstairs at Captain Morgan's at 36 Bridge St., Corning, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Steuben YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Staten Island YRs
(Peter Halliday, Chairman)
The Staten Island YRs should be proud of the fact that their borough is the most Republican borough in New York City, and they often have the chance to revel in Republican victory. Recently, they had to ensure that their State Assembly seat remained in the hands of the Grand Old Party, which they did with the election of Assemblyman Lou Tobacco.
Now, they have the distinct honor of their former Chairman, Brendan Lantry, running for District Leader of the 62nd Assembly District, the only one with a Republican representing it in the entire delegation from the City of New York, which altogether has 64 Assembly Members. Congrats and good luck to Brendan on his election!
As a testament to their success and influence in Staten Island Republican politics, the SIYRs had Staten Island District Attorney, Dan Donovan, who is up for re-election this year, SIGOP Chairman, John Friscia, Assemblyman Lou Tobacco, and City Council Minority Leader James Oddo's Chief of Staff, Steve Matteo in attendance at their recent meeting on July 17th.
Usually meet the third Tuesday of every month at Canlon's Restaurant, 1825 N. Railroad Avenue, Staten Island, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Staten Island YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Warren County YRs
The Warren County YRs were re-established this year, and they are at 20 active members, many of whom are active participants in local Republican efforts. Their club even has a few of their members serving on the Warren County Republican Commitee, and they report that their County Chairman, Mike Grasso, has been extremely supportive of their efforts to revive the YR club.
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Warren County YRs.
Contact Information:
Washington County YRs
(Gabe Bedore, Chairman)
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Washington County YRs.
Contact Information:
Westchester County YRs
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Westchester County YRs.
Contact Information:
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