Last month, I started to expand on some of the main goals the current Executive Board has for the NYSYR. Earlier this year, I wrote that, "The continued success of the NYSYR, and in fact the entire Republican party, is based upon victory in three ongoing battles. We must be able to contribute significantly to the battle of numbers, the battle of wallets, and the battle of ideas.”
It is nice rhetoric, but how do Young Republicans put it into practice? How does the NYSYR contribute significantly to Republican efforts in the "battle of wallets?" We do it with the financial support of our Republican candidates.
During the 2006 election cycle, I am proud that our organization was able to hold successful fundraising events for our statewide Republican candidates that generated roughly $8,000 for gubernatorial candidate John Faso and approximately $6,000 for comptroller candidate, Chris Callaghan.
We also made significant donations to a variety of fellow Young Republicans who ran for office themselves. Congressional candidates Richard Hoffman and Italo Zanzi, State Senate candidates Flip Pidot and Viviana Hernandez, State Assembly candidates Yvette Bennett, Bill Faulk, Robert Heim, Patricia Laudano, Marcus Molinaro, Dan Panico, Chemung County Legislature candidate Chris Friend, and, in my own Town of Wappinger, Council candidate William Beale all received support in their bids—many of them successful.
However, as a wise man once said, any fool can spend money; it takes someone with smarts to raise money. As Young Republicans, we need to give a great deal of credit to former NYSYR Chair Jason Weingartner (2003-2007) who helped change the culture of the organization to one that aggressively fundraises. Jason instituted a pair of annual events to serve as fundraisers for our state federation. The Annual Holiday Dinner in Manhattan each December and the Annual Day at the Races in Saratoga Springs each August have successfully established revenue streams to give the NYSYR the solid financial foundation to take part in “the battle of wallets.” I have sought to build upon that developing a third annual fundraising event, an Annual Golf Outing, that we held in late May.
I’m enthusiastic about our financial strength and would encourage all of our county chapters to look at various fundraising options to establish themselves as local powerhouses, just as the NYSYR is now a statewide powerhouse.
Christopher Dziedzic is the Chair of the NYSYR. Send your questions, comments, suggestions and great chili recipes to
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Message from NYSYR Chairman Christopher Dziedzic
YRs Beat Young Democrats; Win for Fallen Heroes Charity
by Lynn Krogh, New York YRs
The New York Young Republican Club showed the Manhattan Young Democrats just exactly how kickball is played, winning an extra-inning (10) match 6-4 on Saturday, August 11th, on Central Park's Great Lawn. The much-anticipated match-up was for charity, with all the players paying a fee to participate and donations were also taken. It was agreed in advance that the winner would donate the money to the charity of their choice.
Rather than see the winnings go to yet another environmental group of the YDs’ choosing, Club members put their best effort into the game, donating the day’s money to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Fallen Heroes provides grants to the families of military personnel who have given their lives in defense of America. Unlike many charities, Fallen Heroes gives 100 percent of its donations to military families, taking no money out for administrative costs, which are underwritten by the Fund’s trustees.
The event came together through the work of Community Outreach Chairmen Sean White and Alanna Crawford, Membership Chairman Craig Schwartz, and Board of Advisors Chair Sharlene Santercole. Zog Sports, a charity-focused sports league, sponsored the game and provided umpires to explain the rules and officiate the game.
The YR group was made up of people who have never played kickball and people who haven’t played since elementary school. In the end, experience didn’t matter, just the will to prove that the Democrats don’t hold a monopoly on victory in this town.
The New York Sun and reported on the game and both the YRs and the YDs look forward to doing similar events in the future.
Lynn Krogh is the President of the NYYRC and Vice Chair of the NYSYR.
Labels: Lynn Krogh, New York YRs, September 2007 Issue 0 comments
A Grand Old Party on a Midsummer’s Eve
by Jonathan Judge, Brooklyn YRs
It was the mystery event of the New York City Republican summer season—the Senate Summer Social on August 21st at Spiegeltent in Manhattan’s South Street Seaport.
Some of the local news blogs were chattering away about the speculation, saying that it might be the party’s substitute for former New York Governor George Pataki’s annual birthday fundraisers at the Seaport.
However, I only knew it as an e-mail invite I received from Scott Sala, of Urban fame, which billed the event as a FREE invitation-only “Exclusive New York City Networking Event” where one can join “Young Professionals in Politics, Business & Media for an evening of cocktails & conversation.”
While the word “Republican” was not to be seen so easily on the invite itself, as for the organizers, it could not be clearer for whom they planned this spectacular soiree. The event was the brainchild of Lisa Black of Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno’s Public Affairs office and Dana Weisberg of Park Strategies, LLC, which is the government relations firm founded by former U.S. Senator Al D’Amato.
Young professionals and lots of Republicans: you bet that this was my kind of event!
Thought the skies were gray, the many canopies of Spiegeltent were filled with over 300 people, an air of conviviality, a spectacular view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the New York harbor, and, of course, politics.
I had just barely made my way towards the festivities with fellow Brooklyn YR Samuel Rivera, when I immediately came across Brooklyn’s State Senator Marty Golden and Staten Island District Attorney, Dan Donovan, both of whom were event sponsors. I also briefly chatted with J.C. Polanco, State Assembly Minority Leader Jim Tedisco’s New York City Regional Director.
When I signed in at the door, I was given two free drink tickets and I was asked to drop my business card in the glass jar to be eligible to win some raffle prizes, which included dinners, shows, baseball, and some other nifty things.
Looking around, I noticed the Brooklyn Young Republican Club was well represented. Our President, Bob Capano was there with our Executive Director Georgea Kontzamanis, as well as Vice President Britta Vander Linden and her husband, Luke Vander Linden, who himself is a former President of the BYRC.
Naturally, it was a bit after 6 o’clock, and I was a little parched and hungry. So I headed straight for the bar, utilized one of my drink tickets, and then browsed the delectable sea-themed hors d’oevres, such as jumbo shrimp with cherry tomatoes, grilled tuna on cucumber, and slices of a smoked salmon and cream cheese wrap, which I guess is a variation of the New York’s favorite lox and shmear. Of course, I sampled each of them with delight.
Anyway, while enjoying the light fare, I bumped into blogger and public relations consultant Karol Sheinin, with whom I had a pleasant chat about, among other things, the ongoing Renaissance of our hometown, Brooklyn.
Mingling a bit more, I had a rather engaging discussion about the upcoming Republican presidential primary with Avery Knapp, a spirited gentleman who has taken up the Ron Paul crusade in New York City, most recently by painting a rooftop in the East Village to read “Google Ron Paul”, as was noted by the Washington Post a few weeks ago.
However, Rudy Giuliani’s Presidential Committee was certainly not going to pass up an event like this in the Mayor’s hometown. “RUDY” stickers were abounding on lapels, dresses and bags throughout the event, and even Giuliani’s New York State Executive Director, Mario Bruno, was to be seen among the guests.
It wasn’t long before I came across Assistant Director of Tedisco’s NYC office, Robert Hornak, and a fellow Republican colleague of his, Daniel Peterson, who has been a candidate for local office and currently serves as President of a Manhattan Republican club.
The event was suddenly interrupted by Senator Golden’s booming voice, ushering everyone to the front for the main event: the raffle. It was at that point that I spotted newlywed Staten Island YR President, Anthony Reinhart, whom I gave a hearty congratulations. As they were calling out the various raffle prize winners (of which I was not one), I heard a familiar name called, and it was BYRC VP Britta Vander Linden, who won a prize!
After they finished giving out prizes, I spotted New York Sun columnist, Alicia Colon, whom I had to meet and thank for her many inspiring and spot-on columns that I’ve read over the past couple of years.
Finally finishing my first drink, I went back to the bar for a refill only to find former NYSYR State Chairman Jason Weingartner, and my counterpart in the New York YRs, Kellen Giuda, who serves as Editor of the NYYRC’s newsletter, the Record. We talked shop for a bit, and then I met Molly Casey, a Bruno staffer, who also helped with putting together this excellent event.
Though the event ended at 8 PM on the dot, people (like myself) spent a few more hours talking and mingling amongst ourselves.
I know it may seem like a lot of name dropping, but it’s necessary to convey exactly how unusual a turn out this event had. Among the many elected officials, businesses and independent political organizations that came together to fill this event, each one represents a distinct part of New York City’s young professional Republican make up, and frequently one would only come to expect to find certain groups of Republicans only at certain events.
This time, Ms. Black and Ms. Weisberg managed to break that mold and brought Republicans of all sorts throughout the city together in order to meet other Republicans and have a great time doing so.
I spoke with Ms. Weisberg recently about the event. She said that she and Ms. Black, who have been friends for some time now, got the idea from several young professional events that presidential candidates had been putting together, and they decided that there ought to be an event for young professional Republicans, conservatives and libertarians, regardless of candidate preference.
Ms. Weisberg said that Senator Bruno has been eyeing ways to reach out to younger Republicans, and was glad to help sponsor the event.
So, she and Ms. Black went ahead with the idea and began putting together a host committee, to which Ms. Weisburg commented: “We had a great group of diverse people, not only in government, but in the media and business as well, who were very eager to help.” They finally chose Spiegeltent, as the venue because, as Ms. Weisberg said, “You have to have it at a place that young people want to go—some place fun.”
After proving to be a tremendously successful event, she said that Senator Bruno thought it went wonderfully and that there is discussion about putting together another event like this in the near future.
I, for one, certainly wish them lots of luck in keeping Republican social life in New York City thriving, and I think they’re off to a great start doing just that!
Jonathan Judge is Secretary of the Brooklyn YRs and Editor-in-Chief of the NYSYR GOPyr Newsletter.
YRs at the Plate
Brendan Lantry
Lives In: Staten Island
YR Status: Chairman, Board of Directors, Staten Island YRs
Occupation: College Student
Running For: State Committee, AD62
Brendan was born and raised on the South Shore of Staten Island, in the town of Eltingville. He is currently a Senior at St. John’s University in the Peter J. Tobin School of Business. He is currently preparing for the LSAT exam and plans to attend law school in the Fall of 2008.
Since early 2005, he has been working for now State Senator Andrew J. Lanza, first when Senator Lanza was a NY City Council Member from 2005 to 2006. He then left to work on Lanza’s Senate campaign where he served as Campaign Coordinator. He now serves as his Legislative Aide in Staten Island.
In reflecting on his burgeoning political career, Brendan had this to say: “As YR President, it took a while to gain the respect and trust of some people in the party. The Staten Island YRs didn't always have a great track record on Staten Island, and a lot of people in the party still remembered that. Once they realized that we were trying to bring about positive reform in the SIYRs, we gained respect for our campaign activities and growth in membership. I think the SIGOP feels that I can bring some of that enthusiasm to the Executive Committee, and that's probably why I have their support to be District Leader.”
Frank Sparaco
Lives In: Rockland County
YR Status: President, Rockland YRs
Occupation: Entrepreneur, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Running For: County Legislator, 11th District, Rockland County
Thoughts from a New York Sailor
by Anthony J. Romeo
When I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in early 2005, I was rather confused, at first, and a little nervous not knowing what to except from this new lifestyle.
Also, joining the military at the age of 24, it was a little harder to adjust, mainly because most of the great men and women of the United States Armed Forces either joined right out of high school at the young age of 18 or 19.
I had to deal with a lot of issues at first, and so, during my deployment, I took time to think long and hard about all the things people normally take for granted.
I would try to go to church as much as I could, and while the chaplain would attempt to deliver his mass over the enormous bangs of the flight deck catapults, I would hear that horrible bang as the mass would continue and I would think to myself how I would love to be back home at church listening to a baby’s constant cry and shushing by its mother instead.
Being away from my true Love, Lauren, was the hardest thing for me to cope with, but I feel it made our relationship so much stronger being away from one another for such a long period of time. Every night as I was reading my war time prayer book by author Father Fulton Sheen, I would use one of Lauren’s pictures as a bookmark, so that last thing I saw before I fell asleep was her beautiful face.
In the little free time I had, when I knew the ship was pulling into a port, I would inquire with my command’s religious department how I could help the people of whichever country we were visiting.
In Dubai, U.A.E., I volunteered twice to help handicapped children play different types of sports, including wheelchair basketball and soccer.
Another time I visited Dubai, I led a team to build a garden for a group of women who had been victims of human trafficking. They were recently rescued and needed a place of sanctuary, which we helped make into a more livable and beautiful home.
I did not do any of these things for a ribbon, medal or a plaque; I simply did them because they needed to be done.
There are so many great people overseas that just want the same thing we Americans want out of life, and that is good schools for our children to attend, as well as safe neighborhoods to live in and raise a family in.
The people over there are no different than you or I. They value family and their religion more than anything. I constantly tell people you should be happy for what you have, not be upset for what you don’t have, because when could a person ever be happy if you constantly wanted something bigger or more expensive? The answer is never.
A person should be grateful for the country we live in, the government we elect, and just for being alive. So many people take the most precious thing we have for granted too much, and that is life itself.
I remember as a young boy going to church, the priest once said, “Do not be upset you do not have a new pair of sneakers to play in, but be happy that you have feet and you are able to run and play with other children.”
I think people just need to take a second and look at the bigger picture, because, going away for so long, I learned not to complain, since no matter how much you complain, the situation does not change unless you do something about it yourself.
Anthony John Romeo, 27 of Brooklyn, New York, enlisted into the United States Navy on January 9, 2005.
During his service, he has been awarded the Blue Jacket Sailor of the Month twice in his department on the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Aviation Warfare Specialist, two Global War on Terrorism Medals, the Sea Service Medal, the National Defense Medal, and assisted his command to obtain the Battle of Excellence for 2006 during Operation Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom from October of 2006 to May of 2007.
When he returns to New York, he plans to get more involved as a Young Republican.
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On the Road with the Chairman
Since the last issue of the GOPyr newsletter, Chairman Chris Dziedzic has been busy in his travels around the state on behalf of the New York State Young Republicans.
Stop #1: Albany, NY
Chris traveled to Albany to attend the Capitol District Young Republican’s July monthly meeting, on Wednesday, July 25th. It was held at Legends on Lark Street in Albany at 7:00 PM. R.A. De Prima, a Republican county legislative candidate for one of the districts within the city of Albany, was the guest speaker.
Stop #2: Amsterdam, NY
That weekend, Chris was up in Amsterdam, New York along with many other YRs for one of he targeted campaign efforts – this one in Assembly District 105, to help George Amedore to win a special election. While in that part of the state Chris has a chance to meet with the head of the newly organizing Montgomery County Young Republicans. Chris had a chance to sit down with Karl Baia at the Crystal Restaurant in Amsterdam on the afternoon of Saturday, July 28th. It was a productive meeting, and the Montgomery County YRs are looking to join our larger statewide network.
Stop #3: Saratoga, NY
The next big event was the 6th Annual Day at the Races on Saturday, August 4th. While Chris did not make a big profit from his bets at the track, everyone in attendance profited from hearing Chris Callaghan’s beautiful new song about Eliot Spitzer and Troopergate, which you can watch here:
Stop #4: Lake Como, NJ
On Saturday, August 11th, Chris and National Committeeman Ed Torres traveled down to Lake Como, NJ (formerly known as South Belmar), to attend the annual New Jersey Young Republican Federation Summer Splash. The YRs from New York and New Jersey have a long history of supporting and attending one another’s events and activities, and the current NYSYR administration strives to maintain those ties.
Stop #5: Endicott, NY
Chairman Dziedzic, Corresponding Secretary Bryon McKim, Executive Director Rick Cordaro and Parliamentarian Ed Lass attended Senator Tom Libous’s Annual Steak Roast and Thursday, August 16th in Endicott, New York. It was a great time at one of the largest Republican fundraisers in the state, with an annual attendance of three to four thousand people.
YR Club Notes
Brooklyn YRs
During the month of August, the Executive Board of the Brooklyn YRs met with the leadership of the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee at its National Headquarters in Lower Manhattan to discuss ways in which the YRs can help Rudy’s efforts in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire. The Brooklyn YRs were one of the first Republican organizations in New York to endorse Rudy Giuliani for the Republican nomination earlier this year.
Next Event: Wednesday, September 12th with Mario Bruno, New York State Executive Director for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee
Peggy O’Neill’s, 8123 5th Avenue, Brooklyn
Usually meet the second Wednesday or second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Brooklyn YR’s website.
Contact Information:
- (718) 360-9583
Capital District YRs
Though the Capital District YRs are celebrating their successful efforts to getGeorge Amedore elected to the State Assembly in the 105th District’s special election this summer, they nevertheless strive to bring more Republican victories to the area. They are currently actively supporting the campaigns of R.A. De Prima for Albany County Legislator and Mike DeMartino, a Capital District YR himself, for Colonie Town Board.
For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Capital District YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Dutchess County YRs
Usually meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the Poughkeepsie Grand, 40 Civic Center Plaza, Poughkeepsie NY. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Dutchess County YR’s website or call them.
Contact Information:
- (845) 264-5269
(Bryan Cranna, President)
Usually meet on the third Thursday of the month (except July & August), Spot Coffee, 200 East Avenue, Rochester. For the latest meeting and events information,
please e-mail the Monroe County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Paul Gullo, Chairman)
The Nassau County YRs recently elected a new President, Andrew Stream, during a special election on Thursday, August 23. Stream was elected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of former President Michael Kaplan, who left to take a job with the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security in Washington, D.C.
Stream says that there are two campaigns in particular that the Nassau YRs are supporting: John Carway, a former Nassau County YR Chairman, is running for Town Supervisor of North Hempstead, and fellow YR Donald X. Clavin, who is running for re-election as the Town of Hempstead Receiver of Taxes.
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 27th
Usually meet the fourth Thursday at 8PM of the month at Mineola Knights of Columbus Hall, 186 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola. For the latest meeting and events information, please visit the Nassau County YR’s website or e-mail them.
Contact Information:
(Andrew Stream, President)
The New York YRs were the proud victors of the Young Republican vs. Young Democrat Charity Kickball Game on August 11th in Central Park, where they beat the YD’s 6 to 4! For more details about their success, read President Lynn Krogh’s article.
Beyond the usual political tasks, the NYYRC is also planning spend a day lending a helping hand to fix up community schools by organizing a team to take part in NY Cares Day on Saturday, October 20th.
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 20th with columnist, author and policy expert John Lott.
Usually meet every third Thursday at 7 PM, Union League Club, 38 East 37th Street, New York, NY. Usually host socials the first Wednesday of the month. For the latest meeting and events information, please visit the New York YR’s website.
Contact Information:
For the latest meeting and events information, please call the Oneida County YRs.
Contact Information:
- (315) 542-1974 (JP Kidwell)
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Onondaga County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Rick Cordaro, Chairman)
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Ontario County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Ellis Oster, Chairman)
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail or call the Rockland County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Frank Sparaco, Chairman) - (845) 323-9099
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail or call the Queens YRs.
Contact Information:
- (Under Construction)
(Rich Alicea, Chairman) - (718) 418-7873
The Saratoga YRs were hosts to one of the biggest New York State YR events of the summer, the annual Saratoga Day at the Races on August 4th. In addition to the usual festivities, attendees were treated with a special performance by 2006 Comptroller candidate, Chris Callaghan, who performed quite the satiric song about Governor Spitzer’s Troopergate scandal to the tune of Bob Dylan’s How Does It Feel? For your viewing pleasure, you may access the video at
Meet usually at 7:30 PM at Saratoga GOP Headquarters, 77 Van Dam Street, Saratoga Springs, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Saratoga County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Michael Veitch, Chairman)
Staten Island YR President Anthony Reinhart married his high school sweetheart, fellow YR and SIYR Events Chairwoman, Nicole Martingano, on Sunday, July 22nd. After the wedding, which was well attended by the SIYR Board of Directors, the happy couple departed for Hawaii, where they explored several islands, enjoyed many adventurous activities and spent a day aboard the USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor. The new Mr. & Mrs. Reinhart plan to continue living in the New Dorp section of Staten Island, where they both grew up.
As for the newlywed politico, Reinhart commented, “Now that wedding planning is over, I hope to devote more time to the YRs—with a well balanced amount of time spent with my wife, of course!”
We wish them the best of luck and a whole lifetime of happiness together!
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 18th , 8:30 PM
Usually meet the third Tuesday of every month at Canlon's Restaurant, 1825 N Railroad Avenue, Staten Island, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Staten Island YR’s website.
Contact Information:
Our hosts for the upcoming Fall Board meeting on September 15th have been hard at work preparing a spectacular event for us. The guest speaker list has been growing, and now includes State Assemblyman James Bacalles, Steuben County GOP Chairman Bill Hatch, former U.S. Congressman Amo Houghton, and current U.S. Congressman Randy Kuhl. In addition to a great slate of speakers, the lunch and dinner menus are equally appealing.
One of the activities during the weekend will include helping out with a campaign event for Steuben YR and Corning City Mayoral candidate, Tom Reed. Reed has recently entered the world of YouTube with his own campaign video, which highlights his platform.
Usually meet last Thursday of Every month at 7 PM upstairs at Captain Morgan's at 36 Bridge St., Corning, NY. For the latest meeting and events information, visit the Steuben YR’s website.
Contact Information:
(Peter Halliday, Chairman)
During the month of August, several officers of the Suffolk County YRs also met with the leadership of the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee at its National Headquarters in Lower Manhattan to discuss ways in which the YRs can help Rudy’s efforts in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 28th
Usually meet last Thursday of the month (except in July & August), Dave & Busters, 1856 Veterans Highway, Islandia, NY
7:00 PM – Networking/Social
8:00 PM – Meeting
For the latest meeting and events information, please visit the Suffolk County YR’s website.
Contact Information:
(Chris Como, Chairman)
On August 25th, the Warren County YRs hosted WCYR Family Fun Day 2007 at Adventure Racing in Queensbury, NY. Activities included go-karts, Star Wars Laser Tag, bumper cars, and rock climbing. Food and refreshments were provided as well, all for $15 a person (or $17 at the door).
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Warren County YRs.
Contact Information:
(Gabe Bedore, Chairman)
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Washington County YRs.
Contact Information:
For the latest meeting and events information, please e-mail the Westchester County YRs.
Contact Information:
Labels: Club Notes, September 2007 Issue 0 comments
Tusk Talk
with Tusk Harper
Dear Tusk,
I think my dog is a Democrat. He always seems to go around the neighborhood, giving all of the other pets the bones that I give him. Let’s face it: I work hard to make money to buy Sir Mortimus the bones, and yet he prances around giving it away like these other pooches are entitled. How do I teach my dog to avoid the entitlement mindset?
From: Flippin’ in Fulton
Dear Flippin’,
Ah, here we go again: the old liberal vs. conservative, dog vs. cat debate. Call me overly optimistic or simple, but I genuinely believe that every pooch placed on this planet has the right to the pursuit of his or her own happiness. Freedom, treats, and belly rubs are not just for humans. I suggest calling a local conservative dog trainer and allowing this person to use gentle force in training Sir Mortimus that we can never be free if we’re giving hand-outs to some poodle from across the border. Worst case scenario: you can always build a fence.
Dear Tusk,
My Republican friends always seem to make fun of me for loving the song “Don’t Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow).” Is it heresy to be a Fleetwood Mac fan?
From: Rocker in Rochester
Dear Rocker,
There are many “rumours” about whether or not Republicans should listen to hippie music. I, personally, don’t think it is such a dire situation that a “landslide” will bring you down. However, I think such notions are but a “mirage.” Take it from Tusk – you’re better off listening to Fleetwood Mac than you are listening to that “black magic woman” Celine Dion.
Have a question? Write to Tusk at
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