by Lynn Krogh, NYSYR Vice Chair
YRs across New York State have seen, on our website and Yahoo groups, that the NYSYR Executive Board unanimously passed a resolution at our Fall Executive Board Meeting, regarding our participation in the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF). As Vice Chair of the NYSYR and former Communications Director of the YRNF, I thought it appropriate that I write for the GOPyr, bringing you up to speed on our reasons behind this important act.
First, I'd like to give you a bit of history, on the relationship the YRNF and the NYSYR have had for these last years.
Back in the 1990s, under former NYSYR Chairman Sal Calise, New York was famous for throwing parties and exciting affairs during YRNF functions, particularly meetings.
At the same time, the YRNF had exciting speakers, fantastic seminars and campaign schools, worthwhile trainings, and much larger turnouts, allowing more people to network and giving attendees something to actually write home about.
It was also a time where the YRNF had clout. It was a time where the Republican National Committee and the YRNF worked together, actually communicating about campaigns and upcoming conferences.
When I began participating in 2001, my first meeting was in Jacksonville, FL and it was a fantastic time. While meeting many people, I began to understand how these meetings ran and how the YRs in New York were really a great group, but most of all, I realized that we had more YRs there than any other state, typically more than the host state, and this trend continued up through March of 2007.
Over the years, 2001 to 2007, I missed two meetings: Fall 2002 for a friend's wedding and Spring 2003 because of a death in the family. Most recently, I opted to save money and skip the 2007 Convention, (which I'm told from some YR friends around the country, was a good move).
I have been to about twenty different states, often more than once, to help YR candidates, help campaign for their candidate, attend a YRNF Meeting or just to visit. I'm certain that there are others who have attended more and spent more money on these types of activities.
I know that I've spent thousands of dollars on these "meetings". I know the NYSYR has also spent in the thousands, hosting parties (typically the best ones) and paying for our Chairman, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman to participate in these "meetings".
Now many of us are asking the question, is it worth all this money? What is the cost-benefit analysis of this participation level?
Let me explain why it's NOT worth it.
Over these last years, the NYSYR, one of the largest, most prominent, most active state organizations in the nation, is consistently supporting the YRNF financially, through "meeting" attendees, through participation in recent initiatives like "Support Our Troops" and "Community Service Day," and by crossing our state lines to aid in campaign efforts, time and time again.
Simply put, the NYSYR gets nothing in return. We've been trashed, called every derogatory name in the book, but most of all, we're given no respect. And those who have continued to participate at the very high level, that many of us have, find it extraordinarily difficult to continue to give, and give, and give when there is no reciprocation.
(As I'm sure you've noticed, I've put the word meeting in quotes, and for good reason. For the last 2 years, these meetings have been a joke. Orchestrations made up of silly PowerPoint presentations, reports filled with nonsense, and positions doled out to those with the brownest noses--typically with no mention to that person's State Chair, mind you.)
It’s been the mantra of the YRNF to take from the states, making for a stronger YRNF. They have it backwards and don't see the value of investing in the state organizations, which ultimately makes for a stronger YRNF.
Alongside a cost-benefit analysis, you must factor in the political, and I'm not talking straight politics, Republican versus Democrat. I'm talking the politics of politics, Republican vs. Republican. The underbelly of the YRNF is ugly. It’s hideous and frankly speaking, it's getting uglier.
The YRNF takes no responsibility for its leadership, allowing it to steamroll states, and take advantage of them financially, for example, charging $2,500 to have the YRNF advertise your state as part of their campaign blitz and "help" with campaign efforts.
The leadership, especially as of late, certainly helped the NYSYR to make such an easy decision regarding our participation. When former Chairman Murphy resigned and a new Chairman assumed the role, the first act of the new Chair was to appoint a new Co-Chair with the consent of the YRNF Executive Boar--an act that left the position of Vice Chair at-Large open and an act in violation of the YRNF's governing documents.
Instead of making right, the current board rallied around the their decision, calling State Chairs, and (lying to many of them) speaking of nonsensical "emergency powers" and the urgency of filling a position that has no specific powers, while leaving open a spot that has specific duties outlined for it.
Now, the position of Vice Chair at-Large will have an election, at the next YRNF. Meeting and frankly, most New Yorkers could care less. The difference between the YRNF of 1993 and 2007 is simple. The YRNF of 1993' actually had something to offer, had respect for its states and was a YRNF you actually liked to participate in. Now, the YRNF is too busy ensuring that "their people" are in power of this useless organization. They're more concerned with the internal politics that come with any organization, than with the external, more important politics of electing Republicans.
Until the YRNF cleans up its act, starts to hold its leadership accountable and makes it a priority to focus on the real elections, not the next National Chair’s Race, the NYSYR will not actively participate in its activities.
We'll continue, however, to invest our money in the YR county chapters that we've worked so hard to build up in New York State over these last 6 years.
Lynn Krogh is the Vice Chair of the NYSYR and President of the NYYRC.
The Resolution Regarding the Young Republican National Federation
WHEREAS, the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs, Inc. (NYSYR, Inc.) is affiliated with the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF); and
WHEREAS, the NYSYR and its members have been regularly involved with the activities of the YRNF; and
WHEREAS, the NYSYR is the credentialed, recognized and affiliated Young Republican State Organization in New York; and
WHEREAS, the NYSYR recognizes the vital role of New York in the upcoming 2008 Presidential and Congressional races; and
WHEREAS, the NYSYR values the Republican principles of accountability and taking responsibility for one’s actions; and
WHEREAS, the NYSYR does not approve of the methods by which the YRNF has addressed the resignation of YRNF leaders and YRNF’s failure to hold said leaders accountable.
The Executive Board of the NYSYR has determined that NYSYR will concentrate its efforts on helping the Republican party within the State of New York, and other specific efforts to help the party nationally, and it will no longer proactively participate in YRNF functions, including, but not limited to (1) withholding any and all contributions to the YRNF other than mandatory dues and (2) not funding travel or expenses for any NYSYR member who attends a YRNF event.
DULY ADOPTED by the Executive Board of the Association of the New York State Young Republicans this 15th day of September, 2007.