Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to Solve The Gas Crisis

By Jack Karwacki, Oneida YRs

A two-phase process that provides a short term and long term solution needs to be implemented immediately. In the short term we begin to tap our domestic oil reserves, increase our refining capacity, and lift the burdensome tax and regulatory impediments that stifle the creativity and competition created through free enterprise. In the mean time, the private sector would be able to continue to invest in and develop alternative fuel and energy sources that can replace oil in the long term; or at the very least, provide consumers with the cost effective choices that are created in a competitive, free market environment.

I find it amazing that Mike Arcuri and the majority of Congress can’t understand a simple concept that a twenty-seven year old gets; then again, I’m not a Nancy Pelosi zombie either. Do yourselves and your wallets a favor and vote Hanna this fall.

Jack Karwacki is the Chairman of the Oneida County Young Republicans.

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