Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Message from NYSYR Chairman Christopher Dziedzic

There is no need to sugar coat this. This was not a fun election cycle for our party, at either the national, the state or the local level. And while we cannot deny the help that Democrats straight down the ticket received because of the celebrity status of Barack Obama, do not let anyone fool you into thinking that was the entire reason for our lack of success in November.

No, instead we have to face the reality of rebuilding the Grand Old Party from the bottom up.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I was in Seneca Falls, meeting with a newly organizing Young Republican chapter in the Finger Lakes region. I was pleased to learn how the GOP county committee in Seneca County recently experienced some turn over, with new and energetic faces in charge. These new leaders are committed to rebuilding our party from the bottom up, and that includes the creation and support of a Young Republican chapter for their county.

Here in New York State, this means fighting our increasing enrollment disadvantage. This cannot be done by setting up mindless voter enrollment drives. There has to be a commitment to educate our fellow citizens as to what our party stands for and why those policies are best for New Yorkers.

Building Young Republican chapters in all 62 counties is an important part of that effort, as they can educate the younger portion of the electorate. I am proud that since early 2007, we’ve seen unprecedented growth in our organization with SEVEN newly credentialed county clubs. That is essential for the grassroots rebuilding that I am committed to in 2009.

Christopher Dziedzic is the Chair of the NYSYR. When it comes to getting around the state to meet with newly organizing or long established Young Republican chapter around the state, “have car, will travel.”

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