Sunday, January 27, 2008


by Fernando Villegas, Orange County YRs

We should embrace Joe Kennedy’s call to accept free oil from Venezuela after he spends one winter night in a cold house of his own.

“Some people say that it is wrong to take this oil, I say it would be wrong not to.” Once again, a Kennedy is trying to undermine our national security interests and trying to be a hero doing it.
Not since Senator George Voinovich’s tearful opposition to John Bolton’s nomination for Ambassador to the UN have I been so entertained by a man whining for all the wrong reasons.

Although Voinovich eventually did a 180-degree turn-around when it was trendy to support the stellar job Bolton did while at the UN, I won’t hold my breath for the same with Joe Kennedy. With the Kennedys, however, it doesn’t matter how many people oppose their destructive ambitions. They are motivated by one thing, and that is permanent memorials built in their honor by the “little people” that they have kept down, while convincing them they have helped.

I have yet to hear from one person that came from modest means that credits liberal democratic policies for their rise to wealth (this excludes trial lawyers, of course). The fact of the matter is we defeat poverty with free market economics and capitalism not with so-called “free” or “low cost” oil, complements of Socialism or Communism.

If Joe is really interested in helping make home heating oil more affordable he would spend his time lobbying for the oil industry, instead of taking the easy way out as most liberals do. By “easy”, I mean parading “victims” of our cruel society or as Joe says, “the ones left behind.” The oil companies of this country are begging to explore for oil in places like ANWR and off the coast of the United States. The costs of exploration would be wholly paid out by the oil companies, not the taxpayers.

With the class of Michael Moore, we see Joe salivate over real, heart-wrenching stories. “Wait, wait, wait, you can’t afford heating oil AND your kid has a medical condition, AND you own a smoky wood burning stove? Are you available for a photo op tomorrow at 5, I’ll be the guy in the blue jacket--see you then.”

A carrot on a stick never kept anyone fed, let alone warm. Liberals enjoy walking around with carrots on sticks, leading the poor of this nation around for their amusement. Every once and a while they will let a carrot drop to the ground so the poor continue to trust that the leadership that they perceive to be “for them.” The truth is, if the poor in this country didn’t have the Democratic Party offering handouts instead of incentives, highlighting victims instead of opportunities, then the poor and even maybe the Democrats may just realize what this country has to offer. Ok, possibly not the Democrats, but definitely the poor!

Joe Kennedy boasts how his non-profit helps the people of the Northeast, close to if not in the very geographic area he represented while a member of Congress. Instead of creating jobs while he was in Congress so that people could pay for their heating oil, he would rather undermine our foreign policy to be called a hero again. While in Congress, had Joe focused on economic growth he would have had the ability to help many more people than what he claims to be doing now. Maybe Joe should travel to the outskirts of some Venezuelan cities and personally thank them for the heating oil. After all, isn’t this a gift from the people of Venezuela?

Wait a minute Joe….

Fernando Villegas is the President of the Orange County YRs.

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