Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tusk Talk with Tusk Harper

Dear Tusk,

All of my friends are Republicans. The last time I was amicable with a Democrat was in high school and she moved to Berkeley. Is it OK that I only associate with like-minded individuals, or am I constantly in a “spin zone?”

From: One Sided in Oneida

Dear One Sided,

You need to ask yourself some questions: why is it that you only associate with Republicans? Is it because, geographically, you can’t meet any Democrats or is it because you choose not to? Do you find that you get frustrated easily in debates? It is completely understandable that you do not want to waste conversation with some hippie from Berkeley, but the larger issue is determining whether you are specifically looking for liberal acquaintances or if you feel guilty that you “have to” have these friends. As long as you are secure in your own values, you shouldn’t have to worry about who you associate with.

Dear Tusk,

I am concerned about my weight. Doctors tell me to eat salad but I crave steak. I still live at home with my mother and she feeds me enough pasta for an army. Are there any good meals to eat? Help!

From: Dieting in Delmar

Dear Dieting,

Weight loss programs are often a hoax. Don’t believe all of the hype of avoiding carbohydrates while gorging on bacon and ricotta cheese. At the same time, be aware of portion control and try to stop yourself from taking that second helping. I am not a doctor, but I think that the McRib sandwich is small enough to meet your one-course requirement while also satisfying the primal urges for taste with a hint of mystery. It’s a meal worth driving two hours for.

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