Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Message from NYSYR Chairman Christopher Dziedzic

Happy New Year, my fellow Republicans!

As we enter into 2008, there are lots of reasons to be excited as a Republican in New York State.

First, Spitzer has disgraced himself with a couple of scandalous missteps.

There was Troopergate, an attempt to misuse the state troopers in order to smear Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno. This boomeranged on him and disgraced members of his staff, leading to some high profile resignations.

Later, Spitzer overreached himself in Licensegate. This misguided attempt to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens was eventually withdrawn after widespread opposition.

December polls by both the Siena Research Institute and Quinnipiac University show the governor’s approval rating dropping below 40%. As the Democratic standard bearer in the state, this bodes well for our Assembly and Senate candidates in the autumn of 2008.

Also, we have multiple New Yorkers running in the presidential content. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani is one of the strong and viable candidates viable for the Republican nomination. Many Republicans can only imagine how much less blue our state would be wit a prominent fellow New Yorker on the top of the ballot. Our New York State Young Republican organization does not endorse individual primary candidates, but we do distribute information to our membership to help them get involved if and how they so choose. We were all honored to have representatives from five different presidential campaigns attend our Annual Holiday Dinner back in mid-December.

I am asking each of you to resolve as we begin the new calendar year, to work hard with me to help our entire Party throughout the year. It promises to be one of great opportunities, so let’s ensure it ends as one of our great successes.

Christopher Dziedzic, pleased by the return of the McRib, even if only for a limited time and only at selected locations, is the Chair of the NYSYR.

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