Monday, May 26, 2008

A Message from NYSYR Chairman Christopher Dziedzic

I initially intended to talk about our recent Leadership Conference in Albany featuring a fundraising class.

I would be remiss, however, if I did not take a few minutes and talk about Client #9 and the impact the recent scandal will have on New York State and the GOP.

On one level, this will be good for New York State. The removal of the antagonistic Spitzer should mean that the Second Floor will spend more time governing the state and less time trying to smear Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno with various allegations. That is good news for all New Yorkers.

On another level, this will also be good for the Republican Party. The Democrats, especially those in the Senate, have lost their primary fundraising cash cow. The Democratic Party will be in chaos for some time as the various leaders in the party jockey for positions. Silver, Cuomo and Paterson will each envision himself as the leaders of their party over the next couple of years.

The voters of New York have now seen two out of the four statewide elected officials from 2006 resign under the cloud of disgraceful and criminal scandal. That is not a good average. The Republican Party must effectively present a different model of responsible and proud governance.

We have an opportunity here, and we cannot let it pass. This fall, with the Democrats discredited and demoralized, we must work to strengthen our majority in the Senate and enlarge our numbers in the Assembly.

Christopher Dziedzic is the Chair of the NYSYR. He will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. He will report back to you in short order. Thank you very much.

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