Friday, May 23, 2008

Profile: Christine O'Donnell for U.S. Senate in Delaware

Christine O’Donnell joined the New York State Young Republicans at our annual Teddy Roosevelt Dinner as our special guest speaker.

She’s running for the Republican nomination in Delaware to challenge incumbent Democratic United States Senator, Joseph Biden.

She first ran in 2006 for United States Senate against Senator Tom Carper as a write-in candidate, gaining almost 12,000 write-in votes, or 5% of the total votes cast, according to the Delaware Department of Elections.

Christine is no stranger to the world of government and politics. Most recently, she appears frequently as a commentator on Fox News, CNN, C-SPAN, FNC’s O’Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes, MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, and others.

In her twenty year career, Christine has served as a social advocate in Washington, D.C., participating in regular White House and Capitol Hill strategy meetings, and leading delegations to the United Nations to lobby on behalf of pro-family global policies. She’s successfully debated Cabinet members, Congressmen and international leaders.

In the early 1990’s, Christine worked at the Republican National Committee developing the marketing strategy that then-Chairman Haley Barbour directly credited as having a key role in the historic ’94 Republican Congressional sweep.

Christine also serves as a marketing and media consultant to various clients such as Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, Natalia Tsarkova, the Vatican’s first female portrait painter, and non-profit organizations such as the World Education and Development Fund, a charity that provides scholarships to children in poor communities throughout Latin America.

She strongly believes that the Republican Party’s ability to win victories depends on strong advocacy of its core values, because the party has won in the past precisely because it has stood as the party of principle. As such, she has made four pledges to the people of Delaware as their United States Senate candidate. She will (1) never vote to increase taxes, (2) limit herself to two terms in office, (3) never vote for “pork barrel spending” or corrupt “favors”, and (4) will always vote in favor of life and in support of families. On this platform, Christine expects a good fight for the Senate seat, but one which will resonate with the voters of Delaware and will lead to Republican victory in the Fall.

(Photo: Christine O’Donnell, candidate for United States Senate in Delaware against incumbent Democratic Senator Joseph Biden, with NYSYR Chairman Chris Dziedzic)

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